Esports claims Midwest Rainbow Six Siege National Championship

Esports claims Midwest Rainbow Six Siege National Championship

The Muskingum esports Rainbow Six Siege team of senior Zach Martin, senior Seth Paczan, junior Cullen McGregor, senior Skylar Lucio, and junior Keaton Naufzinger have claimed the Midwest Rainbow Six Siege National Championship with their win over Kansas.

The Rainbow Six Siege team claimed the title after a 2-0 win over Kansas University. The win capped off an impressive season where the Muskies finished with a record of 11-0. On the season, the Muskies only allowed one round to be won by an opponent. They won 10 matchups 2-0, including 3-of-4 playoff games. The Muskies were the definition of a dominant force on their way to becoming Midwest National Champions.

The Muskie Rainbow Six Siege 2024 Midwest Fall schedule:

  • vs. Saint Johns - W, 2-0
  • vs. Marquette - W, 2-0
  • vs. Illinois Blue - W, 2-0
  • vs. Nebraska-Kearney - W, 2-0
  • vs. Iowa State Gold - W, 2-0
  • vs. Saint Louis - W, 2-0
  • vs. Cumberland - W, 2-0
  • vs. Cumberlands Patriots - W, 2-1 - Playoffs Round 1
  • vs. Kettering - W, 2-0 - Elite 8
  • vs. Wisconsin - W, 2-0 - Final Four
  • vs. Kansas - W, 2-0 - Championship Game

This contest marked the end of the Fall season for the Muskingum Esports team. The team will be back in action for their Spring season in January.