Drug Testing and Banned Substances

The NCAA considers important the need to protect the well being of the student-athlete and to maintain the integrity of the game. To that end, a policy regarding the use of medications and supplements has been established.

The NCAA has developed a list of banned substances. The list can be viewed at the link below. By participating in an NCAA sanctioned sport all student-athletes are subject to the standards developed by the NCAA including the possibility of random drug testing. Muskingum University athletes may be randomly tested by the NCAA during the school year or at NCAA sponsored post-season tournaments. The results of any drug testing are kept confidential by the Athletic Trainer and the Athletic Director.

The NCAA also recognizes that some banned substances have legitimate medical uses. To that end, the NCAA has an exemption process. Your Athletic Trainer will help facilitate the exemption. The exemption will include contacting the prescribing physician to obtain the necessary documentation. A form is located on this web page for that purpose.

[Link to banned substance list]

[NCAA drug testing process]